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  NTA has set up the secretariat, committees, task force groups, issue-oriented projects to work effectively in accordance with NTA Constitutional missions listed as below:
-Secure rights, dignity and professional autonomy of teachers;
-Secure rights of students and learners;
-Represent abide by law in the governmental entities related to teachers’ employment, appeal and other legal affairs;
-Represent abide by law in the Reserve Fund Supervision Board to monitor appointed financial institutions that manage, operate and release teachers’ reverence payment;
-Provide assistance and advices to member organizations;
-Conduct education policy researches with recommendations to advocate legislative amendments or legislations responding teachers’ demands;
-Conduct researches of pedagogy, curriculums and teaching materials;
-Set teachers’ professional standards, indications and guidelines collaboratively with education authorities;
-Hold educational programs for teachers’ advance learning of up-dated professional knowledge and skills;
-Negotiate and modify guiding principle of teachers’ employment contract as well as collective bargaining agreement;
-Safeguard and improve teachers’ rights and benefits;
-Assist member organizations’ communications and problem-solving with their respective local education authorities;
-Conduct working condition survey with recommendations to improve teachers’ comprehensive well-being at workplace;
-Provide member activities that serve their interests and benefits;
-Proactively contact, communicate and connect with civil groups and education entities;
-Reach out and cooperate with international teachers’ organizations;
-Constitute the self-discipline pledge for teachers at all levels;
-Initiate class action process upon request and entrustment from members.